Monday, July 2, 2007

The Diapering of America

I am so glad we have government to look out for us. Where would we be without legislatures telling us that we how to live our lives? The latest case comes from the great state of Ohio where law makers think that teens are getting too tan and don't know the dangers of tanning beds. (see article: The article claims that parents and teens aren't aware of the dangers of tanning beds creating the possibility of skin cancer in later life.

I think they over looked something even more dangerous, eye protection while under the lights of the tanning bed, maybe even a helmet in case the bed top comes down too fast or hard. We wouldn't want teens injured by head trauma by a tanning bed would we. That would mean even more work by law makers to create even more ridiculous laws, say for long 'Slurpy' straws.
You know you can poke an eye out if you're not careful with those long red straws. We need legislation regulating the proper length of straws in proportion for the size of the cup.

This great nation was built by great Americans who had the freedom to take personal risks to make it what it is today. We are turning this country into a place where we want laws against getting paper cuts. America, it's time to change your diaper. I hope law makers use rubber gloves when they do it. I wouldn't want to get infected by their germs.