Saturday, June 30, 2007

Somethings just won't go away...

I'm learning that somethings that happen to you just don't go away, they keep coming back. Some experiences are not all good and they can have a negative affect on one's being. I'm sure someday I'll understand why certain things happened the way they did, but right now I don't see it. Kind of like being lost in a crowd. You don't have any bearing on where you are, perception is skewed and you feel lost and alone.

I'm not sure what to do next, but I'm sure the crowd will clear eventually and I'll be able to find my way.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Golf Outtings and days off

Today I don't have to work. The law firm I work for decided to hold a golf outing. Someday when I'm a lawyer and the firm I work for has a golf outing co-sponsored by a big client I will enjoy a free day of golf. But right now, as a lowly office services gopher, I am enjoying a paid day off. Ok so I don't get a free round of golf and free beer (well I can't drink legally anyway so that doesn't much matter), and a free lunch. I get a FREE day off to do whatever I want and still get paid! Not a bad deal.

So heres to golf outings and days off (raises his bottle of water). Cheers!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't be the person you are

I just read a great article about an exhibit that shows a history of gays in the military from WWII until now. It is sad that men who have served their country and defended our freedom had to give up part of who they are in order to do so. One man tells that he had two names, two phone numbers, two addresses and two lives just to be able to have a career in the military. This must end. Other countries including our closest ally Great Britain have now allowed gays to serve openly in the military. It is pretty sad that homosexual give up the greatest freedom they have, the right to be who they are to server our country. I think they should get a special award for that sacrifice. You need to read this article. If you can get through it without your eyes tearing up, then you are a stronger person than I am.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Legal Addictive Stimulants

I'm very thankful for coffee. And yes, I'm an addict. "Hello, I'm Justin, and I'm addicted to coffee." It's a healthy addiction however. Unlike other 'drugs', I don't stop living to cave to my addiction. Thanks to Starbucks, I can get my cup of my legal addictive stimulant and continue on to my summer job in office services at the law firm without missing anything except 5 minutes of traffic.

I don't crave this drug all of the time, just in the morning and in the afternoon and while pulling all-nighters. And thanks to places like Starbucks and Seattle's Best, I can have my addiction in the form of strong bold coffee with a shot of expresso, or the wimpy latte and cappuccino. When it's hot the cold Frapp is a nice way to ingest my drug er I mean beverage.

So 3 cheers for coffee. (holds his starbuck's mug up in a toast) Happy stimulation to all of my fellow addicts!

Monday, June 18, 2007

My thoughts on gay pride

I was moved by a blog by an incredible conservative gay man (here's his blog link ) and decided to write my own thoughts on gay pride.

I agree with everything this guy had to say as I have thought those very same thoughts. What does it mean to have gay pride? How can I be proud of something I had no control over. I'm proud of my academic accomplishments to date. I've won awards in debate, science and a letter in track. All of those things took hard work and I AM proud of those accomplishments. But I AM gay, it is nothing that I achieved. I didn't set out to be attracted to males. I never understood being proud of ones heritage either. It's not like I had a choice that my mom was of polish decent and my Dad a product of Israel and Italy. I mean other than the fact that I tan easily and don't have a lot of body hair, that's kind of nice, especially at the beach in the summer. :)

The other thing that bothers me that the above blogger didn't mention is the confusing messages that the actions he describes are causing those that are looking at the gay community. Let me explain. On one hand, the gay community is trying for acceptance by the heterosexual world. They want to have legal parity in marriage/civil unions. They want to have equal rights in the work place and to not be discriminated against. They try to show that being gay is no different than being straight except in the bedroom. But as soon as the gay community gets a voice or their 15 minutes, a.k.a. the pride parades, what happens? They showcase the very stereotypical activity that they say they want to downplay. People who normally wear normal clothing strip down to nothing but a thong. People who normally wear gender-accurate clothing suddenly cross dress. So instead of using their attention and their 15 minutes to show the world that they are like everyone else except for their attraction to the same sex, they reinforce the hetero-worlds opinion that they are nothing by leather clad, scantly clad, cross dressing freaks that want to downgrade the level of class and sophistication rather than uphold it.

In my opinion a proper pride parade would feature members of the gay community dressed as they are everyday. They would wear what they wear everyday when they go to work or school. THIS would show the hetero-community that they truly ARE like everyone else with the exception of their choice of partners. This might actually get the message across rather than just making it fodder for the extreme right wing activists.