Friday, June 29, 2007

Golf Outtings and days off

Today I don't have to work. The law firm I work for decided to hold a golf outing. Someday when I'm a lawyer and the firm I work for has a golf outing co-sponsored by a big client I will enjoy a free day of golf. But right now, as a lowly office services gopher, I am enjoying a paid day off. Ok so I don't get a free round of golf and free beer (well I can't drink legally anyway so that doesn't much matter), and a free lunch. I get a FREE day off to do whatever I want and still get paid! Not a bad deal.

So heres to golf outings and days off (raises his bottle of water). Cheers!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well thank the fates that I did not become a lawyer, golf days would be the death of me (although the beer sounds good). Give me tennis or softball any day of the week!